Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Persians and Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Feline Infectious Peritonitis, also known as FIP, is an auto immune disease that affects Persian cats, as well as other cat breeds. It is known as a coronavirus, which means that it is caused by a mutation of the Feline Enteric Coronavirus. To date, there is no treatment for FIP, and there is no known diagnostic test either. FIP is diagnosed based on symptoms that the cat has.

FIP most often strikes young cats or kittens that have been in contact with other cats. Most homes that only have one cat are at less risk of FIV than homes with more than one cat. FIP is contagious, and while it isn't known for sure, it is believed that the disease is transferred through feces. But since cats tend to groom each other, it may also be spread in this manner as well.

Symptoms of FIP include weight loss, a distended abdomen or chest, anemia, swollen lymph nodes, depression, jaundice, fever, gastrointestinal problems, kidney failure, neurological problems, liver failure, inflamed organs, and pancreatic disease.

While there is no test for FIP, there is a test that can be performed to detect a coronavirus. If your Persian shows any of the above signs, you should have him tested for a coronavirus at your veterinarian’s office. There is also a vaccine that is available for FIP, but not all experts agree that the vaccine is effective enough. In fact, many veterinarians won't even offer this vaccine.

If you have a Persian that has FIP, the cat is going to pass on, and there is nothing that you can do to prevent this unfortunately. What you can do is try to save your other cats, or at least make the environment safe for a future cat. You need to wash anything that the infected cat has come into contact with, using a disinfectant. Throw out old bedding, food dishes, and toys that the infected cat has come into contact with as well.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis is a tragedy for any Persian cat lover, but it is a part of the world of owning a feline. This is why it is so important that you choose your breeder with care, ensuring that the litter of kittens is healthy. This is also why it is a good idea to keep a new kitten separate from other cats in your home for a while, to ensure that the kitten doesn't have FIP.