Friday, November 5, 2010

Persian Cats Origins And Behaviours


Long-haired cats are thought to have originated in Asia. Specimens were first brought to the West by travelers during the 16th century. They reached Italy first ant then France and finally Britain. They were probably from Turkey, for they were commonly called Angora (the old name for Ankara). Later specimens, which came from Persia and Afghanistan, had a longer and denser coat and more cobby body. As breeding programs developed, the two distinctive types that we know today, the Angora and the Persian emerged. A book published in 1876 referred to long-haired cats as Asiatic cats. However, breeders were selecting for the more thickly coated and cobby type, increasingly known as the Persian, which was gaining favor over the Angora. By 1901 there were 13 recognized colors which had increased to 160 varieties by the end of the 20th century. In Britain the name was changed to Long-hair, but many countries have continued to call the breed Persian.


A long-haired cat of cobby type with relatively short legs. A distinctive snub nose makes it appear stern, but this is offset by large round eyes that enhance a sweet expression. The head is round and massive, with a great breadth of skull, round face, with round underlying bone structure, set on a short, thick neck. The nose is short, snub and broad, with a dip. The cheeks are full, the jaws broad and powerful and the chin is full and well developed. The ears are small, round-tipped, tilted forward and not unduly open at the base. They are set far apart and low on the head, fitting into (without distorting) the round contour of the head. The eyes are round and full, brilliant, set far apart, giving the face a sweet expression. The tail is short but in proportion to the body length, carried without a curve and at an angle lower than the back. The body is cobby. Large or medium in size, set low on legs. The chest is deep and equally massive across the shoulders and rump, with a short, well-rounded middle piece and level back. The legs are short, thick and strong.

The coat is long and thick, standing out from the body, of fine texture, glossy and full of life. It is long over the body, but a slight shortening of the coat across the shoulder area is not uncommon in older kittens when the coat is changing. The ruff is immense and continues in a deep frill between the front legs. The ear ad toe tufts are very full.


It is generally amiable, docile and good-natured, with a soft voice. The Persian's languid nature has earned it a rather undeserved reputation for laziness.

To view the Cutest and the most beautiful Persian cat pictures, please visit my blog at:-

[] also contains useful cat care and training advises, funny cat videos, cute cat pictures and cat stories. Have fun!!