Thursday, August 5, 2010

Houseplants That Can Kill Your Persian Cat

Your Persian will absolutely adore your houseplants – and the truth is that most are toxic to him. Many will cause him to become ill – and some will even be fatal – but none of this will prevent him from chewing them and digging in the soil.

There are three things that you can do to prevent your Persian from not only ruining your houseplants, but also prevent him from becoming ill. The first step is to prevent him from digging in the soil. This is easily done by covering the top of the soil with pebbles or rocks. Space between the rocks will still allow water and air to get to the soil, so this is usually not a problem for the plants.

The next thing you must do is prevent your Persian from chewing on the plant itself. This can be done with bitter apple. There are also many sprays that are safe for the plant, but act as a deterrent for the cat. Be sure to read the labels, and to follow the directions for use.

This will help to keep your Persian and your plants safe, but there are also plants that you’re Persian will greatly enjoy, which you should strongly consider providing strictly for him. Start with a long planter filled with various grasses. One of the best things to plant for your cats is cat grass, which can be purchased from your local nursery, and you can also actually plant bird seed, which produces a variety of benign grasses that are safe for cats.

Other plants that your cat will enjoy include catnip, basil, begonia, bamboo, alyssum, butterfly bush, catmint, chamomile, coriander, cress, dill, forget-me-not, hollyhock, impatiens, lavender, lettuce, lovage, marum, mint, parsley, rose, rosemary, spearmint, snapdragon, spider plant, sunflower, tarragon, thyme, and violet. Again, these are plants that the cat will like, so you should expect them to be chewed on, rolled on, and laid upon as well.

You should also consider a potted tree or two that your Persian will enjoy. Make sure that you purchase sturdy trees, and that you secure the container that they grow in so that the cat doesn’t continually knock the tree over.

If you have plants that your cats love, but you want left alone, again, cover the soil with rocks or gravel, and make sure that you treat the leaves, flowers, and stems with a product that works as a deterrent for cats. Your houseplants and your Persian can reside in the same house after all – in peace and harmony.