Saturday, July 3, 2010

Feeding A Persian Cat - What Is The Best Option?

Most people don’t put much thought into feeding their cats, but if you have a Persian, you might want to put a great deal of thought into what you will feed him. First, because Persians are expensive cats, you want them to live long and healthy lives. Second, what you feed your Persian will have a direct impact on the condition of his fur – which is the shining glory of all Persians and their owners.

Of course, you can go with a commercial cat food. If you elect to do this, choose a high quality pet food, such as Iams or Hills Science Diet. Do not buy the cheap stuff, as it really doesn’t have what your cat needs. If you have an indoor cat, go with the formula designed for indoor cats. Also plant some grasses and catnip for your cat to nibble for added nourishment. Talk to your veterinarian about additional supplements that your Persian may need.

Raw diets are becoming more and more popular. One must consider what their Persian’s ancestors ate – or what the Persian would eat if he were not being provided with food by a human. In this case, he would catch his own food – usually a rat, mouse, rabbit, gopher, or bird. He would then kill the prey, rip its fur or feathers off, and eat the meat and organs happily. The food would not be cooked, and would be ‘served’ at ‘room’ or body temperature.

With that in mind, you can safely feed your Persian a raw diet made up of raw chicken, fish, Tuna, and beef. However, ground beef should be avoided. Ideally, you should ground up the raw meat, including organs and small bones. At the very least, serve it in small chunks that are easy for him to eat. Raw egg yolks are also beneficial, but the egg whites should be disposed of. Raw egg yolk will definitely help your Persians coat to shine.

This isn’t dangerous at all for the cat, but you will need to clean any surfaces that the raw meat touched in your home. Most people who give their Persians raw diets serve the food on disposable plates or bowls that can be disposed of when the cat is finished eating. Once you set out food for your cat, you should throw away any food that has not been eaten after an hour.

Finally, you could also elect to feed your Persian a combination of commercially prepared cat food and raw foods. Never feed your Persian processed foods that are designed for human consumption. First, he probably won’t eat it – and second, it isn’t good for him even if he does eat it.